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Tree pose

Tree pose (Vrksasana)

Tree pose
Standing nice and tall in Mountain pose which standing up as tall as you can,
all muscle are engaged, your chest lift up and your shoulders drop down
Shift your weigh to your right foot,
open your left knee and bring the left foot to other ankle, calf or see if you can bring it inner thigh anywhere but knee
Bring your hips square
Take your hands to your heart center
Finding a focus point in front of you
Pressing your right foot down through the ground
Pull your lower belly up
If you wanna more challenge yourself,
lift your arms straight up toward ceilling.
Send your gaze up
And gently release out to come back Mountain pose
Swich the other side

・Strengthens the legs and back
・Improves balance
・Lengthens the spine
・Improves circulation


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